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Our Story

VinZant Wines began in search of a vineyard capable of producing world class wine.  Estate produced wine begins not after grapes have been crushed at the press but in the vineyard through the growing season with carefully pruned vines and trellising, grape set and thinning, and hand harvesting.  We believe controlling all facets of farming is advantageous for crafting our quality and style of wine.

George Vineyard breathtakingly overlooks Sonoma Valley and is consistently exposed to fog and cool valley winds interchanged with bright mountain sunlight.  Additionally, rock and gravely loam soil, steep vineyard grades and aged vines create superbly concentrated grapes. We have an experienced and dedicated vineyard team and a talented winemaker in Adam Lee.  

We are deeply passionate in the sustainability and long-term improvement of the vineyard we grow our grapes in, the quality of our grapes and the wine we make from them.  Thank you for your support and joining us along the path!



Whitney VinZant